Design and launch
offers that sell themselves.

We help you attract your target audience and compel them to buy with offers that are immediately profitable for your agency.

Who is this for?

Stuck constantly looking for the next client?

Very few agency clients come from internal marketing efforts. But building a business on referrals is risky.What if your offer had people lining up?

Are you losing deals to other agencies?

Are prospects putting you in a box with other agencies? It's frustrating when you know you deliver a better service.What if you had your own box?

Does your sales cycle take ages?

The higher the stakes of inaction, the easier the sale. But most offers don't create urgency in the sales process.What if prospects wanted to buy now?

Most agencies get it wrong.

The path to a successful agency.

I spent years thinking agency success was a volume game.Get enough clients, and the bills will be paid.Get more clients, and you can pad your bank account.So I did everything I could to get in front of more people and pitch my services.You’ve probably tried a similar approach at some point in your agency journey.It’s a crucible everyone has to go through.But one frustrated night, I realized there were three levers I wasn’t pulling. And each would make the offer more compelling.1. Targeted MessagingIf you could get your offer in front of the RIGHT people, not only would they want to buy, but they’d be willing to pay more for the service.2. Deserving ProblemIf the offer actually addressed a problem and not some surface level frustration, it increased the urgency for buyers. And again, made it so you could charge more.3. Differentiated SolutionIf prospects couldn’t compare you against other agencies, it made the offer more enticing. It also sped up the sales cycle, and (would you have guessed) let you charge more.The top agencies were already doing these things. They were targeting very specific /audiences, with very specific problems, with a very specific solution.And it allowed them to grow year after year.Creating, launching, and delivering a profitable offer is the key to agency success.If agencies prioritize an offer that uses the levers above, and builds on their team’s competencies, the market is theirs for the taking.

The 3 biggest problems facing agencies today

Problem #1:

Lead Generation

Only around 14% of agency clients come from deliberate marketing efforts.And while referrals are great. You have no control over them. You cross your fingers and pray a client has someone to send your way and that they're a fit.Worse, when lead gen isn't working, you start taking on anyone with money. These are the 20% of clients that lead to 80% of your headaches.But lead gen doesn't need to be such a large issue. With the right offers, you can bring prospects into your world quick, deliver great value, and turn them into clients in no time.And if you play your cards right, you can even build an offer that pays for all your lead gen efforts.

Problem #2:

Lack of Differentiation

This one is hard to stomach for some people, but here's a challenge:Go look at other agency websites. If you swapped your logo with theirs, would anything change?A lot of agencies try to be everything to everyone. This inevitably leads to them being nothing to everyone.Without differentiation, prospects see you as every other agency, and they only look at your price.Imagine looking at two vehicles and buying purely on the fact that one is $1k cheaper.It doesn't matter if there's heated leather seats, better mileage, and a vaccuum to clean up after your kids.This pattern happens to agencies every day because they haven't differentiated their offer enough for prospects to see them as unique.

Problem #3:

No Market Need

35% of businesses fail because there's no market need.WHAT?Imagine building a business, pouring your heart and soul into it, only to find out no one wants what you're selling.Well this is becoming more frequent with agencies.Why?Technology is making you replaceable.AI came storming along and with it came the ability for an intern to pump out blog posts like a lot of agencies.And that's because most agencies align themselves as vendors, not partners.So when your client asks for blog posts, you jump at the opportunity to sell the deliverable.The agencies crushing it sell the outcome. And that's what has them outperforming the market.

Need to see more benefits of creating amazing offers?

Secure Cash Flow Consistency

Stop battling the feast-and-famine cycle.By developing strategic offers, you increase cashflow while reducing the stress of constant lead generation.

Maximize Profit Margins

Quit letting cash slip through your fingertips.Through optimizing critical operational efficiencies with your offer, you can increase your profit margins an average of 10 to 20%.

Increase Life Time Value. Decrease Stress.

Get more value from the clients you've already won.With some changes to your offer, you can raise your rates, deliver more value, and keep customers far longer.

This is the
Dynamic Agency Operating System

Here's how it works:

Chris DuBois

Phase 1:


In this phase, we assess the current state of your team so we can develop a strong foundation for your agency.This means:✔ Assessing team competencies so we know your strengths and gaps.
✔ Developing clear responsibilities and assigning people to the right roles.
✔ Aligning team members on their growth path so they're incentivized to win with you.
No team? We'll base everything solely on your competencies and skills before moving into the Offer phase.

Phase 2:


Phase 2 focuses on developing high-performing offers based on your team's competencies.This means:✔ Getting hyper-clear on the problem you solve.
✔ Differentiating your solution from the competition.
✔ Developing clear and enticing offers for multiple stages of the buyer's journey.

Phase 3:


Once we have offers live in the market and revenue coming from them, we start increasing profitability.This means:✔ Creating an internal swipe file of all the best results and case studies for marketing and modeling.
✔ Developing processes to maximize efficiency and free your team to spend more time on creative outputs.
✔ Automate delivery whereever we can, without sacrificing the human-touch that let's your agency stand out.

Here's what's included:

Weekly 60-minute coaching and training sessions.

You'll receive expert 1:1 assistance, advice, recommendations, and clear step-by-step instructions throughout all four phases.

Nick Bennett

A client portal to track it all.

You'll receive access to a custom workstation to manage all our work together.
That includes tasks, documents, exercises, goals, and overall progress through the program.

Track and report on your agency's performance.

You'll gain access to a personalized set of charts that make it easier to strategize for your business and monitor your growth.

Nick Bennett

Real-time Slack communication

All clients are added to Slack for real-time communication, quick and efficient exchange of information, updates, and clarifications.

What people are saying...

Chris DuBois

Meet your guide.

Hey. I'm Chris. Pull up a chair.Listen, most agency owners struggle with the grind of lead generation, so they can make payroll.But the reason they have financial struggles isn't actually that they have no leads.It's that they don't have enough consistent revenue from recurring offers.When this happens, you feel the constant stress of finding the next project so you can keep the lights on.Until all of a sudden, you've got to layoff team members because the creditors are knocking.No one wants that on their conscience. Your team counts on you.What I do is specialize in creating recurring revenue streams and increasing profit margins for agency owners.I created the Dynamic Agency Operating System because it's the single most effective way to optimize your agency, without sacrificing what makes it unique: you and your team's competencies.And the benefit of bringing in that recurring revenue is that you get to forecast your business performance. That means knowing problems so far in advance you can solve them before you're screwed.All of which allows you to keep running running your business, while keeping more cash in the process.Want to see how we can help you?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this cost?

The Dynamic Agency Operating System uses an outcomes-based model, so pricing varies.To create incentive alignment, we only win when you do. The more you win, the more we do.Depending on your desired outcomes and speed, the pricing can fluctuate as well.On average, base rates range between $1,000 and $4,000 per month.

How much time should I dedicate to this?

We'll have a 60-minute guided strategy session per week. Each session will generate tasks that, on average, take approximately 60 minutes to complete. The most successful agencies dedicate over 2 hours per week in total.

How long will it take to see results?

The insights acquired from your intake form alone are enough to make an immediate and positive impact in how you manage your business.Within the first 90 days of working together, clients have reported higher levels of revenue and operational efficiency.

Is this only for agencies?

No. If you run any service-based business, the Dynamic Agency Operating System can help your company become more efficient and unlock consistent revenue streams.

Chris DuBois

Get the Dynamic Offers Email Course

Explore the 5 of the most common challenges agencies face in today's market.We're talking about the challenges that lead to no prospects, no recurring revenue, and nothing for people to buy from you.It's worth reading just for the ideas alone.5 emails. 5 challenges. 5 strategies to fix them.

Get the Dynamic Offers Email Course

Explore the 5 Biggest Challenges Agency Founders Face Trying to Create a Profitable and Efficient Business.

Chris DuBois

"Chris has done a great job helping our agency run more efficiently, providing management tools as well as instruction to streamline agency operations, marketing and product development."

5 emails.
5 challenges.
5 strategies to fix them.

Explore the 5 of the most common challenges agencies face in today's market.We're talking about the challenges that lead to no prospects, no recurring revenue, and nothing for people to buy from you.It's worth reading just for the ideas alone.5 emails. 5 challenges. 5 strategies to fix them.Written by Chris DuBois, Founder of The Dynamic Agency OS — the agency operating system that has helped agencies break free of the tactics treadmill and develop a strategic offer that makes them irreplaceable.

"Chris' guidance has instilled discipline across our leadership team. We're now in the process of tightening up internal management processes and repositioning our value proposition for clients, setting us on a path for aggressive growth and long-term success."

Want to see what's inside?

Here's a peak so you can decide if it's worth it:Challenge 1: not having enough leads to run a businessChallenge 2: being stuck in the feast and famine cycleChallenge 3: struggling to gain predictable incomeChallenge 4: selling to clients who aren’t ready to buy nowChallenge 5: not making the most of the clients you the fixes for each.

Ready to take control of your agency's future?

Schedule a call using this form so we can assess your current stage of growth and assist you with getting on track.On the call you'll get:
✔️ a better understanding of the blockers in your business and how to remove or bypass them
✔️ actions you can take the same day to rapidly get your agency humming
✔️ blunt feedback on potential problems you might not be seeing

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